SURVEY – Majority of Hungarians disagree with approval of Sargentini report

The majority of Hungarians disagree with the European Parliament’s approval of the Sargentini report, according to a survey by the Századvég Foundation released on Wednesday.
A total of 82 percent of the respondents have heard of the report, Századvég found.
Altogether 57 percent of them said they were against the report’s approval, while 32 percent said they agreed with it. Fully 11 percent were either undecided or did not answer.
The report only had majority support among left-wing voters, with 61 percent of them being in favour of it compared with the 30 percent who are against it.
Altogether 40 percent of self-declared centrists and 10 percent of right-wing voters supported the EP’s approval of the report, while 50 percent of the former and 84 percent of the latter block were against it.
Fully 55 percent of respondents said the Sargentini report criticised Hungary mainly for its migration policy, while 39 believed it was because there was “a problem with democracy and human rights” in the country.
The phone survey was carried out between September 15 and 22 with a sample of 1,000 adults.
Featured image: MTI
Source: MTI